As a parent, we recognize the increased responsibility to teach a child how to offer Salah and how to make Dua. Sometimes, we get stressed-up thinking about the proper way of teaching our children and in a way that they will understand well and adapt quickly. It’s easy to teach a child to say Subhan’Allah when we see a mesmerizing thing or Alhamdulillah when we’re thankful to Allah (SWT). But it is also important to teach them the daily Duas.

Yearly Salah Tracker

The Salah tracker section will help to keep track of your daily Salah. The purpose is to establish 5 times Salah & track the missed Salah’s.

Ramadan Dhikr Tracker

Maximize your (and) your child’s daily rewards by teaching & reciting a new Dhikr every day from the Dhikr of The Day section.

To Recite in Salah

Double your rewards by teaching a new Hadith every day to your child. Every time your child recites this Hadith, you gain a reward. Insha’Allah.

Fasting Tracker

Get inspired by tracking good deeds on a daily basis and creating a more spiritual and focused mindset. You may also mention any other task done that day.

Yearly Dhikr Tracker

Keep track of your child’s daily Dhikr with this simple and easy-to-use Dhikr tracker. With a list of 12 powerful Dhikr mentioned in English, your child can easily recite and track each recitation on a weekly or yearly basis.

Yearly Tahajjud Tracker

When was the last time you offered Tahajjud? It’s hard to remember, isn’t it? With this easy-to-use Tahajjud Salah yearly tracker, you will know how many times did you offer Tahajjud.

By the end of the year, you can review the number of days the Dua was recited. When the child gets habituated to reciting the Duas every day, there’s a 100% possibility that the child will keep this habit forever!


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